02-03-2003, 06:09 AM
Cherry Beach this morning was very slow. I was using the live smelts from Big Fish and only caught two fish. A 5' Shovelnose Shark which I thought was a HUGE Halibut!!! But after about 15 minutes into the fight I knew it couldn't be a 'butt. Also a Sand Bass around 11".
My buddy Rich S. and his buddy went out past Island White for only a couple a Sand Bass and a couple of short Halibuts.
Some of the guys went to Alamitos Bay and caught a few Sand Bass and Halibuts with one being legal and released.
There was also a group that went over to Huntington Harbor for a couple of Spotties, Sand Bass, Yellowfin Croakers and a couple of Halibuts. One was caught at 25" and another was lost around the same size.
The hot spot of the week was at Doheny Beach in Dana Point! There must have been around 15 legals just over the weekend by floattubers and kayakers.
You shouldn't have any problems getting bait there. This Saturday the Baytubers are having a tournament and they will be down there getting their baits.
My buddy Rich S. and his buddy went out past Island White for only a couple a Sand Bass and a couple of short Halibuts.
Some of the guys went to Alamitos Bay and caught a few Sand Bass and Halibuts with one being legal and released.
There was also a group that went over to Huntington Harbor for a couple of Spotties, Sand Bass, Yellowfin Croakers and a couple of Halibuts. One was caught at 25" and another was lost around the same size.
The hot spot of the week was at Doheny Beach in Dana Point! There must have been around 15 legals just over the weekend by floattubers and kayakers.
You shouldn't have any problems getting bait there. This Saturday the Baytubers are having a tournament and they will be down there getting their baits.