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Jordanelle Big Brown fish
MGB you could say they are just weights but is a horse just a horse..

MOJO is the most snag free weight there is, I have fished with a lot of different types of weight and in some places I would not fish the way it would take to catch the fish, Snags would drive you nuts even with drop shots weights...

If you look at all the drop shot some are the same shape as a boat anchors that is not what I want....

I want a weight that I can throw and work through most places with out a snag so that I can work the lure that the fish want to eat with MOJO they do from the two dropshot weight to the rock hopper to all the others, Do I like MOJO yes I like any thing that help me to catch fish...

When I go fishing I go to catch fish not to look at the birds or girls or how nice the day is I go to catch fish the more the better, A ten fish day is a poor day....

Last year up at Jordanelle 20 + fish days was common and that is fish over 12", under that don't count.. And MOJO gives me those kind of days.....


Messages In This Thread
Jordanelle Big Brown fish - by bassrods - 04-12-2006, 10:53 PM
Re: [bassrods] Jordanelle Big Brown fish - by MGB - 04-13-2006, 01:15 AM
Re: [MGB] Jordanelle Big Brown fish - by bassrods - 04-13-2006, 01:53 PM

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