03-17-2006, 09:26 AM
This doesn't happen often , the suckers have come in from under the ice !
Reports have come in from the Au Sable and Rifle Rivers to confirm that it is time to break out the smokers a little early .
Suckers usually start their migration after ice has dissapeared from the great lakes shoreline , however this year the early arrival was planed by a newly formed sucker group lead by "Osama Dabestfishing " , a self proclaimed leader of suckers everywhere who is determined to stop suckerfest as we know it .
In a private interview with the leader of the suckers i have learned that their strategy is to catch Michigan anglers off guard by slipping in under the ice and not giving us time to prepare for their yearly onslought .
"Fishermen will have no time to prepair for us" , Osama Dabestfishing stated , "They will be slamming their rod tips in the trunks of their cars and forgetting the required supplies they need to halt our rightful possession of the rivers and streams of our forefathers " .
A statement from the Michigan chapter of B.F.T. spokesman "Lonehunter " had this to reply;
"Detecting suckers at the riversmouth checkpoint is B.F.T.'s top priority. Advances in angler security since the first suckerfest , such as pre-supplied bait & tackle shops, 100 percent beer and jerky delivery, and the addition of thousands of Michigan anglers allows B.F.T. Members to focus more acutely on evolving threats."
"Lonehunter "also stated;
"B.F.T has already initiated enhanced detection technology training for Michigan anglers to identify possible underwater attacks. This additional training complements the ongoing and aggressive deployment of state-of-the-art sucker detection technologies statewide. B.F.T. also uses intelligence, random seagull swat team searches at checkpoints and other security measures, both seen and unseen, to more effectively counter this threat."
The time is now , as fishermen we must repel this invasion , grab an armful of fishing rods, a couple lawn chairs and stuff the wife and kids into the mini-van , every able bodied angler is needed here in the north .
Will you answer the call to protect our northern streams ?
Reports have come in from the Au Sable and Rifle Rivers to confirm that it is time to break out the smokers a little early .
Suckers usually start their migration after ice has dissapeared from the great lakes shoreline , however this year the early arrival was planed by a newly formed sucker group lead by "Osama Dabestfishing " , a self proclaimed leader of suckers everywhere who is determined to stop suckerfest as we know it .
In a private interview with the leader of the suckers i have learned that their strategy is to catch Michigan anglers off guard by slipping in under the ice and not giving us time to prepare for their yearly onslought .
"Fishermen will have no time to prepair for us" , Osama Dabestfishing stated , "They will be slamming their rod tips in the trunks of their cars and forgetting the required supplies they need to halt our rightful possession of the rivers and streams of our forefathers " .
A statement from the Michigan chapter of B.F.T. spokesman "Lonehunter " had this to reply;
"Detecting suckers at the riversmouth checkpoint is B.F.T.'s top priority. Advances in angler security since the first suckerfest , such as pre-supplied bait & tackle shops, 100 percent beer and jerky delivery, and the addition of thousands of Michigan anglers allows B.F.T. Members to focus more acutely on evolving threats."
"Lonehunter "also stated;
"B.F.T has already initiated enhanced detection technology training for Michigan anglers to identify possible underwater attacks. This additional training complements the ongoing and aggressive deployment of state-of-the-art sucker detection technologies statewide. B.F.T. also uses intelligence, random seagull swat team searches at checkpoints and other security measures, both seen and unseen, to more effectively counter this threat."
The time is now , as fishermen we must repel this invasion , grab an armful of fishing rods, a couple lawn chairs and stuff the wife and kids into the mini-van , every able bodied angler is needed here in the north .
Will you answer the call to protect our northern streams ?