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Tubing Rock Cliffs 2/13/06
Tubing Rock cliffs?? I think thats wishfull thinking at this time ol' buddy.. Some how I doubt even you can break much of that ice in that bay while sittin' in your tube..

Hey Pat as always it was great to share the ice with Tubebabe and you.. It was also great to finally meet and share the cap Jed and Slayerace. We didnt get to shoot the bull to much because I found I had the bug to wander,, it happens while I'm in the hunt for a certain species.. Yeah it had to have been a super day for catchin' yesterday because even I was able to squeaked out a couple bites.

[inline "nelly 011.jpg"]

Sorry the lightly wasnt better on the fish, the sun had well set by the time I hooked this brown yesterday..

Messages In This Thread
Tubing Rock Cliffs 2/13/06 - by TubeDude - 02-14-2006, 01:03 PM
Re: [TubeDude] Tubing Rock Cliffs 2/13/06 - by Coldfooter - 02-14-2006, 10:36 PM

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