02-08-2006, 03:01 PM
The Provo is an evil mistress that has given me so much frustration over the years that I do what I can to stay away from her. Still, at least once-a-year, I find myself in the Heber Valley. If it wasn't for the Weber, I would probably be beating myself up more. As for the Weber, in my personal opinion, it is a great little stream. After finally figuring out a few things, she has only skunked me once in the past 3 years. (Thank Heaven for Whites!) My go-to set up is a prince nymph/grey scud tandem with enough weight to get it on or near the bottom. Another great time to hit it is in the evenings from July to the first frost. There are almost always Caddis flies coming off to produce some great surface action. I would definitely offer to show you a few places, but with a baby on the way in March, my kitchen passes will be very few in the coming year.