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What goes around....
Talking to a friend today started me thinking about all the things that keep coming back. We talked about the old days when the only choice in fly rods were bamboo and glass. Then graphite was introduced. Now it seems like a lot of avid fly fishers (myself included) are going back to basics. It seems that bamboo and glass are on the got to have list again (of course, the new ones are nothing like the old ones, more technology, better hard ware, and a lot lighter) Cortland even has a new line called SYLK (which is synthetic, but, made for the full action rods like bamboo) In fact the manufacturers are coming out with full flex graphite to give the feel of bamboo for 1/4 of the cost.
Then there is clothing. As a woman I remember the bell bottoms, the band collar blazers and shirts, rough outs, harness boots and now they are back.
Cars, Ford brought back the Mustang and the Thunderbird. Scary thought remembering the Vega, Gremlin, or even the Packard, hope they don't repeat.
Can anyone think of more to add to this list?

Messages In This Thread
What goes around.... - by flygoddess - 02-02-2006, 03:54 AM
Re: [flygoddess] What goes around.... - by tubeN2 - 02-02-2006, 05:27 AM
Re: [flygoddess] What goes around.... - by Dryrod - 02-03-2006, 03:47 AM
Re: [Dryrod] What goes around.... - by tubeN2 - 02-03-2006, 04:38 AM

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