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Your opinion, and help
Redington is a great rod. They use to be owned by Orvis, then went out on their own and then Sage bought them, but I am not sure if Sage still owns them. Check the Redington web site for warrenty details-hopefully you won't need it if you know what I mean.
Any way, It has to feel better than you pflueger. My first rod was a pflueger also. I tell you, I don't miss those days.
How long is the new one and is it fast action?
As far as a reel, try to find one with a warrenty also. I worked for Orvis so I would say: Original Battenkill 5/6 $79. or BBS III $99. or the new Mid Arbor III $119. Another reason I recommend these reels is that extra spools are inexpensive and you will want extra spools.
Floatant I like Aqual. It is in a tube and kind of a paste. I also use Frogs Fanny which is a dust. I love it cause it will help dry your fly out plus help it float. As I say, I use both. I put the Aqual on the dry fly befor I even cast it. Then once a fish has slimed it I put the FF on it.
Some of the sprays are for prepping a fly after you tie it and is supose to sit for 12 hours. Make sure yours isn't that.
Some of the new lines have a coating on them that you don't have to condition them (Orvis Next Generation for one). I use GLIDE line dressing on my Cortland. So far so good, but, Cortland has line dressing also.
Last I am not sure what you are asking on the leader/tippet laying on the surface. If you are nymphing: weighted flies, split shot, or old school-coat the fly in mudd (it will sink fast and the mudd will wash away) If you are dry flying more delicate pressintation. stop your rod at 10 o'clock till your line is straight out then drop the tip of your rod to lay the fly down easy.
As I said I am not sure of the question, also are you talking stillwater or river.
Good Luck and Tight Lines

Messages In This Thread
Your opinion, and help - by Discman - 01-01-2006, 10:57 PM
Re: [Discman] Your opinion, and help - by flygoddess - 01-02-2006, 02:22 AM
Re: [Discman] Your opinion, and help - by Dryrod - 01-02-2006, 05:57 PM
Re: [Dryrod] Your opinion, and help - by Discman - 01-23-2006, 06:28 PM
Re: [Discman] Your opinion, and help - by Dryrod - 01-23-2006, 09:16 PM
Re: [Discman] Your opinion, and help - by Dryrod - 01-25-2006, 07:13 PM

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