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Your opinion, and help
First off, I'm kind of new to fly fishing, but I'm hooked. About a year ago I picked up a Fleuger starter setup for about $60. For X-Mas I got some gift certs. to a local shop and picked up a new rod. I got a Redington Wayfarer 5 piece. It was marked down to $150 because they are coming out with a 6 piece to replace it (it was great because I had enough left over to get a new ultralight spinning rod too). What are your opinions of this rod and manufacturer? I heard that they have a no questions asked policy about returns, true? And right now I am using the reel from the Fleuger set, what would you recommend as a good reel in the $50-$100 range to match it (5wt. by the way)? I had a chance to break it in a couple of days ago, and I am very impressed. I like the 5 piece size as well because I do a lot of hiking in the high Sierra's to fish.

Now I have a question about floatants. I bought some Cortland silicone spray a little while back. It works well, is there anything that would work better? And recently I picked up some Redington "Dry Dust" and it doesn't have any directions on it. How is this stuff used and what is it? I tried to find info online but couldn't. I couldn't even find a product listing for it. Some dry dusting products show that you drop it down inside the container, but this has a pour spout as if it were a liquid. Any help would be great.

Lastly I have a couple of questions about line and leader. What do you recommend as a line conditioner? And does anyone have any tips on how to make your leader and tippet break the surface tension of the water so it doesn't just sit on top and cause disturbance. I have heard of using dish soap, is this a good idea?

Thanks all, Kyle. ><> [Wink]

Messages In This Thread
Your opinion, and help - by Discman - 01-01-2006, 10:57 PM
Re: [Discman] Your opinion, and help - by Dryrod - 01-02-2006, 05:57 PM
Re: [Dryrod] Your opinion, and help - by Discman - 01-23-2006, 06:28 PM
Re: [Discman] Your opinion, and help - by Dryrod - 01-23-2006, 09:16 PM
Re: [Discman] Your opinion, and help - by Dryrod - 01-25-2006, 07:13 PM

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