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Chukars and Grouse
A few years ago there were a lot of Blue grouse down on Mt. Dutton. I was hunting elk with my dad and grandpa, and we all got a limit. Easy. It was just driving down the road, seeing the bird, getting out and blasting away. I'm not even going to pretend to be an expert at it. It was pretty well sheer luck.

As for chukar, I know chukar. Seeing about 400 of the little buggers on the deer hunt I know where their at, right now. But, I can not give out that particular location. If you want to get into a few birds at easier locations, try Black & Grassy Mountain. Both are in Tooele county, north of I80. On Black, I'd recomend the Gravel Pit. Just go up in there and work your way up the mountain. You should see birds in no time at all. On Grassy, take the road that goes right up the middle of the mountain. It takes you to a chuckar guzzler. From there work around the ridges, and you'll see a few. The way I get into Black is off of the Rowley/Dugway exit, and to Grassy the Military/Lakeside exit. I've also heard of a few being taken on the north end of the Stansburies. I'd figure right around the point by Timpie into that sheer rock stuff is where their at there.

Good luck.

Messages In This Thread
Chukars and Grouse - by fishhungry - 11-08-2005, 12:14 AM
Re: [fishhungry] Chukars and Grouse - by cat_man - 11-08-2005, 04:21 PM
Re: [fishhungry] Chukars and Grouse - by IceRod - 11-09-2005, 04:32 AM
Re: [fishhungry] Chukars and Grouse - by Mc_Lennon - 11-10-2005, 10:34 PM

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