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Friday the 13th on Bear Lake
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Predator, I must say, you are the ultimate moderator. You try and keep things on an even keel and usually are the words of reason and sensibility when it comes down to the bottom line. I appreciate the fine job that you do keeping over excitable zealots, like many of us in check.

First of all, I want who ever has read this thread, that I have personally apologized to Old Coot for any of the snippy or darogatory remarks I made. Again, Old Coot, I apologize to you and members of your family for any remarks that were of a personal offensive nature.

Second, I do not believe "the purity of this forum has been forever tainted by BLM's little hissy fit". Is there anyone here who hasn't got fired up about something they are passoniate about? I Readily admit, I got fired up but I believe, like Predator, that this is a worthy subject to be discussed. I just did it in the wrong manner.

Thirdly, I believe Mr. Nielsen's, our Bear Lake biologist, evaluation of the current condition of Bear Lake is debatable. I do not see the DWR managing Bear Lake as a trophy trout fishery. They manage to keep the average citizen happy when they go out twice a year and catch a limit of pan size fish to take home. It used to be a fairly common occurence to catch 12+ pound cutthroat from Bear Lake. The same holds true with large lake trout. These trout are getting harder and harder to come by. Why? The harvest rate exceeds the rate of replenishment. It is that simple.

I, as others have alluded to, am not a catch and release purist. I am, however, of the same opinion as stated in another post. "Its ok to keep fish, just keep the smaller ones and only keep what you are going to eat fresh. The smaller ones taste alot better". Why? It's simple math. With the continual harvesting of the large fish it is inevitable that the stocking can not keep pace at the slow growth rates of Bear Lake fish. Young fish are are lot easier to replace with stocking when only a couple of years are invested into those fish. How easily is it to regain 20+ years?

Fourth and finally, I believe that I am not the only person in this thread who has gotten carried away with their posting. There are people here whom I have never met that believe they know who and what I'm about and are so eager to pass judgement. For some one who lives such a long way away, you must be very intuitive to be able to judge how someone is never having met them. I am truely sorry if I have come across as being the person you have describe and I am glad you you have decided to champion this cause and let me see the error of my ways. Please Don't hate me because I'm beautiful![Tongue]

To all my friends here at BFT, tight lines. I welcome your opinions on this very emotional subject and respect you for whatever your views or decisions are concerning it.

Messages In This Thread
Friday the 13th on Bear Lake - by Old_Coot - 12-14-2002, 05:06 PM
Re: [PREDATOR] Friday the 13th on Bear Lake - by BearLakeMack - 12-15-2002, 03:15 AM

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