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Buck Pole Hang them Deer pic's here
Well I hunted my little spot this year.

A spot I new the deer crossed in the mornings.

Finally on the last day of the season after seeing nothing but hood ornaments for the first 15 days and we start to get our first snow in our area I get a little action.

Changing my point of view in the same spot I figured I mite change my luck a little and that it did, from nothing to next to nothing lol.

As I stood there in the shelter of a red pine watching for a deer of any kind because I have a ticket for either or.

Stepping out to the edge of the tree line and back in when the gust of snow started blowing in my face I stayed there for several hours when I noticed a fawn standing next to me doing the exact same thing just 8 feet away from me on the other side of the same tree I was hiding from the wind from.

As I thought to my self "veal is better than no meal on the last day of the season" I stood there for 20 minutes waiting for the deer to walk out in front of the tree so I could pop him with my 357 mag. my humor getting the best of me I said quietly "Boo" and that little fawn darted like a snow shoe with a hound hot on his tail.

He darted about 25 yards in to the next tree line and stood in side of that line cause he still did not know what I was. Standing there watching me and I could not get off a killing shot any way, I gave up first. lol I will see him another day with horns maybe next time.

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Re: [davetclown] Buck Pole Hang them Deer pic's here - by davetclown - 12-04-2002, 04:19 AM

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