07-01-2005, 05:10 PM
Canyon Lake: Water gin clear; 84 degrees; 909.85':
Largemouth are fair to good at first light in 4-8' along bluff ledges of mainlake points on a white 7/16 oz. Terminator tungsten spinnerbait (www.terminatorlures.com),
5" Texas rigged pumpkin Whacky Stick(www.cremelure.com) or soft jerkbait and 1/4 oz. Bleeding Shad Rat-L-Traps (www.rat-l-trap.com). After sunup in 10'-20' on pumpkin 6" Scoundrel worms w/tails dipped chartreuse rigged on a 1/8 oz. JDC jighead (www.jdcbaits.com), green-pumpkin Skeet Reese creature baits in standing timber, 4" pumpkin-char. Devil's Tongues on drop shots. Upriver, the daylight
"motion bait" bite has improved. Wht-chart. Terminator stainless spinnerbait, 1/4 oz. Rat-L-Traps
(www.rat-l-trap.com) or char.- purple back shallow running (3'-6') crankbaits on channel turns and points w/laydowns, 5" pumpkin Whacky Sticks (www.cremelure.com) on a 3/0 "K" Wacky Hook (www.falconlures.com) and a pumpkin 3" JR. JDC Craw (www.jdcbaits.com) in 6'-15' along the bluffs.
Smallmouth are good to 3.5 lbs. at first light along ledges and in 4'-10' using Camo (pumpkin-gold flake) JDC Drop Shot worms (www.jdcbaits.com) on jigheads, wtrmelon Sliding Weight (www.slidingweight.com) Craw Fish w/char. claws
and rootbeer JDC Drop Shot worm (www.jdcbaits.com) on JDC jigheads.
Stripers are slow to fair at night over 60' humps tight-lining live bait.
White Bass good at night under lights along mainlake points in 20'-30'improved at daylight on the surface using a clear Rat-L-Top topwater, 2" Spoiler Shads (www.cremelure.com), 1/8 oz. Blade Runners (www.lakeviewlures.com) and Pirk Minnows.
Crappie are fair to good at night upriver in 8'-15' on live minnows,1/16 oz. blue-pearl Solid Body Tubes and crappie jigs.
For area info., lodging recommendations or to book a guided trip w/the only licensed, fulltime, professional guides fishing Canyon Lake contact JR's Guide Service (www.jrguideservice.com). Call (830) 833-5688 or email jimfish@moment.net. Your most convenient source for live bait and tackle is Canyon Bait House, 15605 Cranes Mill Rd., (830) 899-9747.
Lake LBJ: Water stained; 81 degrees; 824.95':
Black Bass are good to 4 lbs. at night and at first light along rip rap, breaklines of points w/cover on Terminator spinnerbaits (www.terminatorlures.com), black-back 2" Spoiler Shad swimbaits (www.cremelure.com), 1/4 oz. Rat-L-Traps (www.rat-l-trap.com) & black-red JDC Skip-N-Pop topwaters (www.jdcbaits.com). Mid-morning, docks and shaded shoreline produce best in 8'-15' skipping a 3" JDC "JR. Craw" on jigheads, pumpkin-char. Whacky Sticks (www.cremelure.com) under the cover as well as pitching Texas rigged 3" grn-pumpkin Craw Tubes or Tiny-T jigs and Texas rigged 6" cotton candy Scoundrel worms to brushpiles.
Stripers are good at night to 22" using 2" Spoiler Shads, Bleeding Shad Rat-L-Traps and free-lining live bait.
White Bass are very good at night in 8'-15' feet on 1-1/2" Lit'l Fishes and Spoiler Shads.
Crappie are good at night around lighted docks with brushpiles on minnows.
To book a guided trip with the only fulltime guide fishing LBJ for over 45 years contact JR's Guide Service (www.jrguideservice.com). Call (830) 833-5688 or email:
jimfish@moment.net. *Our night trips are very successful; 30-50 fish per trip. Please book night trips as far in advance as possible*.
Lake Buchanan: Water clear; 82 degrees; 1017.76':
Largemouth are fair to good at first light along stickups and laydowns on mainlake points 4'-10' deep using 7/16 oz. white-chart. Terminator tungsten(www.terminatorlures.com) spinnerbait,Bleeding Shad Rat-L-Traps (www.rat-l-trap.com) and wacky rigged watermelon-chart. Whacky Sticks
(www.cremelure.com). After sunrise, shaded areas like docks, ledges & off-shore submerged mainlake humps in 10'-20' produce working a Carolina rigged grn-pumpkin Snap Lizard, 6" pumpkin Scoundrel worm on a 1/8 oz.
JDC jighead, deep diving crankbaits and drop shots using 4" rootbeer JDC Drop Shot worm (www.jdcbaits.com).
Stripers are fair to good at night and first light around lighted boat docks using 3" Spoiler Shads and bucktail jigs w/ white curl tail grubs. After sunrise try vertically jigging 30' humps along the main channel w/ 1/2 oz. Pirk Minnows, pearl Blade Runners (www.lakeviewlures.com)
or drifting live bait.
White Bass are fair at night under lights in 10'-20' on Lit'l Fishies and 1/8 oz. Blade Runners and Spoiler Shads(www.cremelure.com).
For info. or to book a guided trip for largemouth or stripers contact JR's Guide Service (www.jrguideservice.com). Call (830) 833-5688 or
email: jimfish@moment.net.
Largemouth are fair to good at first light in 4-8' along bluff ledges of mainlake points on a white 7/16 oz. Terminator tungsten spinnerbait (www.terminatorlures.com),
5" Texas rigged pumpkin Whacky Stick(www.cremelure.com) or soft jerkbait and 1/4 oz. Bleeding Shad Rat-L-Traps (www.rat-l-trap.com). After sunup in 10'-20' on pumpkin 6" Scoundrel worms w/tails dipped chartreuse rigged on a 1/8 oz. JDC jighead (www.jdcbaits.com), green-pumpkin Skeet Reese creature baits in standing timber, 4" pumpkin-char. Devil's Tongues on drop shots. Upriver, the daylight
"motion bait" bite has improved. Wht-chart. Terminator stainless spinnerbait, 1/4 oz. Rat-L-Traps
(www.rat-l-trap.com) or char.- purple back shallow running (3'-6') crankbaits on channel turns and points w/laydowns, 5" pumpkin Whacky Sticks (www.cremelure.com) on a 3/0 "K" Wacky Hook (www.falconlures.com) and a pumpkin 3" JR. JDC Craw (www.jdcbaits.com) in 6'-15' along the bluffs.
Smallmouth are good to 3.5 lbs. at first light along ledges and in 4'-10' using Camo (pumpkin-gold flake) JDC Drop Shot worms (www.jdcbaits.com) on jigheads, wtrmelon Sliding Weight (www.slidingweight.com) Craw Fish w/char. claws
and rootbeer JDC Drop Shot worm (www.jdcbaits.com) on JDC jigheads.
Stripers are slow to fair at night over 60' humps tight-lining live bait.
White Bass good at night under lights along mainlake points in 20'-30'improved at daylight on the surface using a clear Rat-L-Top topwater, 2" Spoiler Shads (www.cremelure.com), 1/8 oz. Blade Runners (www.lakeviewlures.com) and Pirk Minnows.
Crappie are fair to good at night upriver in 8'-15' on live minnows,1/16 oz. blue-pearl Solid Body Tubes and crappie jigs.
For area info., lodging recommendations or to book a guided trip w/the only licensed, fulltime, professional guides fishing Canyon Lake contact JR's Guide Service (www.jrguideservice.com). Call (830) 833-5688 or email jimfish@moment.net. Your most convenient source for live bait and tackle is Canyon Bait House, 15605 Cranes Mill Rd., (830) 899-9747.
Lake LBJ: Water stained; 81 degrees; 824.95':
Black Bass are good to 4 lbs. at night and at first light along rip rap, breaklines of points w/cover on Terminator spinnerbaits (www.terminatorlures.com), black-back 2" Spoiler Shad swimbaits (www.cremelure.com), 1/4 oz. Rat-L-Traps (www.rat-l-trap.com) & black-red JDC Skip-N-Pop topwaters (www.jdcbaits.com). Mid-morning, docks and shaded shoreline produce best in 8'-15' skipping a 3" JDC "JR. Craw" on jigheads, pumpkin-char. Whacky Sticks (www.cremelure.com) under the cover as well as pitching Texas rigged 3" grn-pumpkin Craw Tubes or Tiny-T jigs and Texas rigged 6" cotton candy Scoundrel worms to brushpiles.
Stripers are good at night to 22" using 2" Spoiler Shads, Bleeding Shad Rat-L-Traps and free-lining live bait.
White Bass are very good at night in 8'-15' feet on 1-1/2" Lit'l Fishes and Spoiler Shads.
Crappie are good at night around lighted docks with brushpiles on minnows.
To book a guided trip with the only fulltime guide fishing LBJ for over 45 years contact JR's Guide Service (www.jrguideservice.com). Call (830) 833-5688 or email:
jimfish@moment.net. *Our night trips are very successful; 30-50 fish per trip. Please book night trips as far in advance as possible*.
Lake Buchanan: Water clear; 82 degrees; 1017.76':
Largemouth are fair to good at first light along stickups and laydowns on mainlake points 4'-10' deep using 7/16 oz. white-chart. Terminator tungsten(www.terminatorlures.com) spinnerbait,Bleeding Shad Rat-L-Traps (www.rat-l-trap.com) and wacky rigged watermelon-chart. Whacky Sticks
(www.cremelure.com). After sunrise, shaded areas like docks, ledges & off-shore submerged mainlake humps in 10'-20' produce working a Carolina rigged grn-pumpkin Snap Lizard, 6" pumpkin Scoundrel worm on a 1/8 oz.
JDC jighead, deep diving crankbaits and drop shots using 4" rootbeer JDC Drop Shot worm (www.jdcbaits.com).
Stripers are fair to good at night and first light around lighted boat docks using 3" Spoiler Shads and bucktail jigs w/ white curl tail grubs. After sunrise try vertically jigging 30' humps along the main channel w/ 1/2 oz. Pirk Minnows, pearl Blade Runners (www.lakeviewlures.com)
or drifting live bait.
White Bass are fair at night under lights in 10'-20' on Lit'l Fishies and 1/8 oz. Blade Runners and Spoiler Shads(www.cremelure.com).
For info. or to book a guided trip for largemouth or stripers contact JR's Guide Service (www.jrguideservice.com). Call (830) 833-5688 or
email: jimfish@moment.net.