06-26-2005, 04:54 AM
I had some work to do at my church this morning so Wiperslayer and I did not get to south marina until a little after 1 pm. We noticed Old_Coot cleaning some fish as we were getting the boat ready. As I walked over to find out where the hot spot was I saw Petty4life and Bearclaw were there also. After talking to the guys for a few minutes and getting the low down on where the fish were, we hit the water. We were on the water around 1:30pm and got off around 7pm, water temp was 69*. The first fish in the boat was a 14 inch walleye the next 33 were wipers than ranged in size from 13" to 20". We were trolling at 2.8 mph fish finder speed and we caught all the fish on Producer type lures. The wind changed direction three times while we were there but it keep the bugs off and we only got sprinkled on for a few minutes. I thought it would be hard to beat the day we had over a month ago when we caught 31 wipers but surprise, surprise, surprise. It was a great afternoon on the bay. WH2