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Buck Pole Hang them Deer pic's here
well the opener of gun started off so-so and went to bad quickley . my deer camp buddies are from ohio , for the last 10 years we have had deer camp at the same spot , hunted the same areas and told the same stories over and over every year . that was before we realized after two days of hunting on state land we were sold private land tags . i guess we should have paid more attention at our purchase , but are glad as heck we wern't checked while hunting . i can only immagine what would have happened to us if we got one . my freinds just packed up and left , they spent a couple of hundred bucks on these licenses and couldn't afford to buy new ones . next year there coming to my neck of the woods , depending on what new changes the d.n.r. has on hunting rules .
i did get a shot at a dandy buck this year , i needed a eight point to finish off my buck tag and this thing had this covered on one side alone ! the fever struck as i got him in my sights and BANG ! bagged the pine tree beside him . take my word for it , pine doesn't taste as good as venison . i have the last three days of the season for rifle but haven't seen anything at all , and i usually have twenty or more in the yard each week , but my girls think of them as pets . if all else fails i have blackpowder season and archery to go , theres nuttin' better than some venison jerkey over a ice hole to let you know how good life can be .

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Re: [davetclown] Buck Pole Hang them Deer pic's here - by lonehunter - 11-23-2002, 02:15 AM

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