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Gentleman 3/4day Fishing Report 5/29/05
We went out on the Gentleman 3/4day boat.

Capt. John, DH Brian, DH/Capt Mike, PH Sean and a new spatula.

We left promptly at 6am and headed for Harrisons Reef area. It took us 20 minutes to limit on Boccacios before we moved on.

We went up to do some SWRF and caught some of the regular smorgasbord. Jaggers, Skittles, Barbers, Bankies, Blues, Reds and ????? A Canary Rock fish. Reeled up slow and RELEASED. Those are off limits.

Afterwards we went inshore around Pescador State Beach and fished the kelp patties. I hooked 2 nice butts. 1 was short and the other came up short as I hit a cold spot on the hot rail. I couldn't get the stubborn person to move so my line got snapped.

There is always a next time.

We ended up catching a legal Calico, some Sandies and a couple of nice lingos.

We returned to the dock at 4:10pm.[cool]

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Gentleman 3/4day Fishing Report 5/29/05 - by tubeN2 - 06-01-2005, 04:36 AM

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