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fish keeper/cvrawdad catcher
Hi guys and thanks for the input. I’m getting closer to getting out on the water to fish in my tube (Fish Cat 4) for the first time (first time in a tube also), but I’m still putting together some of my gear. I’m thinking about a Memorial Day trip to Southern Utah, so that my wife and I can try everything out on a lake I’m very familiar with. I can’t wait!

Anyway, I had a question about what to use for a live basket to keep my fish in while out on the tube. I’ve seen a few pictures of the setup TubeDude has, but was not sure what I needed to use in order to hook everything to my tube (do you have a close up pic of your setup TubeDude?).

I was looking at a medium sized wire fish basket at Sportsman’s Warehouse, but wasn’t sure if this would work. Sorry I don’t have any pictures, but it seems to look similar to the basket I’ve seen in some of TubeDude’s pictures. Also, does the foam “noodle” that I see wrapped around the basket work? What is the best way to attach this to the basket? Is the tube safe using a wire basket?

Sorry about all of the questions, but I’m trying to make sure I’m as educated as I can be before setting out the first time. TubeDude has sent some information from his book that will help a lot to get adjusted fishing from a tube so I appreciate that. I’ll be sure to take a few pictures of my final setup once I have everything together (both on and off the lake).

Thanks again for the great input and advice I continue to receive from everyone.


Messages In This Thread
fish keeper/cvrawdad catcher - by fishboy2 - 06-22-2003, 10:58 PM
Re: [TubeDude] fish keeper/cvrawdad catcher - by Phoenix1172 - 05-04-2005, 04:59 PM

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