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Impact of Predators on the West's Mule Deer Herds
[cool]Thanks, BC.

I believe I am as concerned about various species of wildlife (not just big game, huntable species) as much as anybody, but the thought of the UDWR introducing several large packs of wolves into our mountains scares me.

I mean, aren't Utah's mule deer herds struggling enough? Those of us who hunt mule deer could make several arguments as to why they are more important to Utah that wolves.

I'll list a few reasons: [ol] [li]Mule deer numbers are declining; why not do all we can to help them?[/li] [li]They don't need another predator to thin their numbers. They've got man, cougars, coyotes, and bears preying on them already.[/li] [li]They provide countless outdoor viewing and hunting opportunities for Utah families. I can't recall ever hearing a Utah family getting excited about going "wolf huntin'."[/li] [li]They bring in more revenue for the state than any other species. Yes, even more than elk. [/li] [li]They taste good. Sorry, I won't ever eat a wolf.[/li] [li]While I'm up backpacking in the Uintas or some other remote wilderness location, I don't have to worry about mule deer getting in a pack, running me down, and taking a chunk out of my hamstring.[/li][/ol]Honestly, I hope this report from Arizona causes some of our wildlife managers to more seriously consider the predator/prey relationship on our declining mule deer herds.

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Re: [BEARCLAW] Impact of Predators on the West's Mule Deer Herds - by PrinceFisher - 04-14-2005, 06:21 PM

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