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St. Louis Bread Company Roasted Turkey Panini with Cranberry Compote
2 Rosemary & Onion Focaccia from
St. Louis Bread Company
1 pound roasted turkey breast
6 ounces dried cranberries
4 (1 ounce) slices sharp Cheddar cheese
1 small diced red onion
1/2 tablespoon olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Sauté the dried cranberries and red onion in olive oil for two minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add one tablespoon of water to keep ingredients moist. Set cranberry compote aside.
Slice the Rosemary and Onion Focaccia in half, then slice horizontally to create the top and bottom sandwich portions. Cover the bottom half of the focaccia with cranberry compote and top with 4 ounces roasted turkey breast and one slice of sharp Cheddar cheese. Place top of focaccia over sandwich. Grill over medium-high heat on both sides. For authentic pressed panini, press the tops of the sandwiches with a second pre-heated, heavy skillet.

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