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Look Out Oakland County!
freds NO mort neff !
the old shows were pretty darn good , and we as sportsmen need to get involved in the political decision making that governs our lifestyle . fred is right in that respect .
i just think he needs to pick his battels a little better , not every little thing needs to be a supreme court case .
ya' think loosing the michigan sportsman show would have taught him a little something .
we don't get fred anymore up here . i remember when his show went off the air downstate .
when his show was canceled by PBS due to the lawsuit, I was the first viewer to call the station to place a formal protest to the cancelation of the program . we need good shows like his , just as long as he knows when to quit beating a dead horse . fred just dosen't get it yet , maybe someday .
there will never be another mort , untill then there is fred , he's about the best we have left . at least he's not bedding down with the d.n.r. like that other show is .

Messages In This Thread
Look Out Oakland County! - by davetclown - 02-11-2005, 03:48 AM
Re: [davetclown] Look Out Oakland County! - by lonehunter - 03-01-2005, 02:59 AM

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