01-17-2005, 01:11 AM
Checked out Rockport today with MGB . Tried to get him to go on the new ice but he said I was nuts . Found some safer ice to get on with out getting wet , on westside across from boat ramp . Perch were hard to come by at first . Couldn't find them but hooked up on some bows . Found perch out in the deeper water . 57 foot was good for perch . 20 to 25ft. was were the bows were . Biggest bow I caught was only about 10' under the ice . Lost another nicer bow at the hole . Here is some pics . Good luck to all that go but that first step is going to be a wet one for most . Where we crossed it was good but most spots look thin . Ice is melting away today , better find some where else to fish . He he !! LOL Bring a plank . I think the ice was 4" where we fished .