10-04-2002, 03:00 AM
Hey Scooter,
I miss spoke in my original posting, I was in the North East corner! There is a mountain, what I call "Little Mountain", on the south side of this bay. At the end of the mountain that forms a point is a small impoundment where apparently they put the bass when they treated the lake. Is that the "point" you're talking about? If so, thats where (south side) I started and fished around the point into the bay on the north side. I didn't try the big worms on the south side of the point. I guess next time I will! Thanks!
[crazy] Leaky
I miss spoke in my original posting, I was in the North East corner! There is a mountain, what I call "Little Mountain", on the south side of this bay. At the end of the mountain that forms a point is a small impoundment where apparently they put the bass when they treated the lake. Is that the "point" you're talking about? If so, thats where (south side) I started and fished around the point into the bay on the north side. I didn't try the big worms on the south side of the point. I guess next time I will! Thanks!
[crazy] Leaky