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Island Lake Recreation shooting range needs help
Thanks for the tip about lead poisings.

there is some truth to this, you have to ingest the lead for the poisining to accure.

those who practice washing their hands and faces before eating will avoid most all posible lead contacts.

there are also a greater number of full metal jacketed lead and steel shot being used now days.

for any one who has had a filling placed in a tooth prior to 1990's has been treated to a dose of lead poisining. You have more to fear from old dental work than you do from lead firings.

one of the shortest commings of the statement that shooters are more liable to contact lead poising has been greatly exagerated.

if any one wants proof all they need do is contact their local Veterains Hospitol. these people have been hit by lead which was hot and at some what melted state along with bits of lead dust at the time of impact with their patents.

Fact of the matter is that vary few soldgers who served in WWI WWII and Coreia ever suffered from lead poising. they were surounded by gun fire day and night. more lead flew during those bouts with men trapped in the smoke of trench warfare which was by far greater than that of any indoor range. of the battle yet now lead poising.

there are people who love to spend time to falsify and or print miss leading information in attempts to get a point accross.

here is a fact for you that was not printed by this group and that is you stand a 10,000 times greater chance of contracting lead poising from handling a car battery than handling a bullet. (by not washing your hands after handling and then eating) granted if you set a sandwich or drink on your shooting table you have a pretty good chance of ingesting lead.

you have a better chance of getting lead poising from bad tap water. Many pipes in america and other countries still have lead pipes and or have had some idiot plumber wanna be who has used lead sodder to sweat your house pipes together.

I can go on and on about all the things that suround you on a daily basis that would astound you. you have more to fear from an old house or old car than you do from gun fire.

again I say thanks, lead poising is a serious health threat. and as a macheinest who has worked with exoctic metals including leads I can tell you that this site dose acruatly portrey the affects of lead poising.

there are also other ailments that resemble these same symptoms. only a blood test will rule out or confirm lead poising, gull blatter failure, apendex failure, thyriod failure just to mention a few. so any one who has these symptoms should seek medical attention emediatly, My nephew who never fired a gun in his life passed a couple months ago with these vary same symptoms. (sorry it wasnt lead poising)

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