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Island Lake Recreation shooting range needs help
well ya' musta never been to one of these shooting ranges ever , have ya' ? it's quite obvious from yer post ya ' ain't .
the dnr , (although not my favorite government agency ) dusen't screw around when it comes to the handeling of firearms . you can rest assured that not one pellet would ever leave the area , not one sound can escape without being muffeled by the bushes and trees planted around the range .
i think you would be safer living behind the range than you would be visiting your local convience store or taking a trip downtown . if ya' wanna do yourself a favor , get yourself educated first . borrow a gun , hop on over to the range , and try the range out yourself .
once you've giving it a go , come back an tell me how ya' feel about the range . i'de be highley suprised if ya' didn't make target shooting a regular saturday morning event like i did .

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