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Bass fishing for lake trout with a silly Predator
[#400080]Went to Bear Lake sat with Blm and Predator, and I just want to state that they are beautiful human beings and wonderful to hang out with[Tongue]. [/#400080]
[#400080] It was about 75 degrees air temperature and mid to low 50's water temp. [/#400080]
[#400080] [/#400080]
[#400080] Blm played guide, and Predator and I bass fished for macs. We used a secret technique that I won't devulge here,lol.[/#400080]

[#400080] We only boated 3 macs(silly Predator got one, I got 2, and Rich was the guide). Damn it was fun! I couldn't believe the profanity coming from Rich's pie hole.[/#400080]
[#400080] We also discovered that Predator is a closet Hannity fan. [/#400080]

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Bass fishing for lake trout with a silly Predator - by tomegun - 10-17-2004, 05:25 PM

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