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Southwest Zone
APPLEGATE RESERVOIR: No recent report.
COOS COUNTY LAKES : The Tenmile Lakes are a good spot for yellow perch, crappie, bluegill, brown bullhead, and largemouth bass at this time. Anglers are encouraged to take as many yellow perch and brown bullhead as they can reasonably use. Sea-run cutthroat are passing through the lakes now. Rainbow trout will be stocked in Coos County Lakes in October as water temperatures cool.
COOS RIVER BASIN : Salmon angling is still good to excellent in Coos Bay . Recent heavy rains have spread fish throughout the bay and lower rivers. Lots of hatchery chinook are moving up Isthmus Slough. Coho harvest (adipose fin-clipped) from the tips of the jetties up to Chandler Bridge and runs to Dec. 31. Anglers are reminded that un-clipped coho must be released unharmed. These fish should be left in the water, and hooks removed with minimal handling of the fish. Future decisions on coho seasons and ESA listing may depend on the survival of adult coho to the spawning grounds.

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