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Tomegun's Guide Service Strikes again(Lake X 9-9-04)
I loan you my boat for a couple months, out of the goodness of my heart, and look what happens.

You know, smallmouth bass have to be the single most difficult fish to photograph. They never show thier true size for the record.
You catch a HUGE fish, seven pounds or so, take a bunch of photos, and the dang thing comes out looking like a little bugger.
You take a pic of a real nice smallmouth, and all of a sudden you have something that looks huge.

Case in point, last weeks five pounder you caught looks much smaller than gregs 3 1/2 pounder. Gregs 3 1/2 lber looks very nice.

You just cant trust smallmouth photos.

Anyways, nice fish my friend, very nice.

Good report, but you must realize that if you had borrowed my lucky hat, you would have got a 5+ lber.

I see you camped out all day.

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Re: [tomegun] Tomegun's Guide Service Strikes again(Lake X 9-9-04) - by PREDATOR - 09-10-2004, 07:24 PM

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