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Bishop CA fishing report for Labor Day weekend
I went to Bishop CA with Tubentoo and TubeMPho. We left Friday around noon and got there by 4:45pm.

It was windy on the first day and quite warm for the area. 90 degrees. We tried our luck in a couple of the ponds but it was still early and the wind was killing most of the fishing.

As night drew upon us the wind died down and the action picked up. We started hitting on some Bluegills and some very small Smallies. I think the gills were bigger than the Smallies.

Later in the evening we put out lines for Catfish. No luck would fall our way that night.

Second day was more promising. As the morning sun came over the horizon, the frost point came in at about 28 degrees. We threw out some morning teasers for the fishies in the pond and started nailing LMB, Smallies and Bluegills. Again the Gills were still bigger.

3rd and 4th day had no change. Gills were still winning. We did get one Smallie that finally beat the 12inch mark and decided to let him go back and grow up with the rest of them. Only a few 10 and 11 inch gill were kept for meals while on site. Everything else was returned to the water to grow up a bit.

We did do some exploring while up there as well. We went to South Lake, North Lake and Intake 2. The trout were running very small around the edge of the lake and we didn't have our float tubes with us.


3 anglers

122 Smallies

89 Gills

44 LMB

0 cats

0 trout.

All in all we had a wonderfull time. I will post some pics that we took up there within the next couple of days.

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Bishop CA fishing report for Labor Day weekend - by tubeN2 - 09-07-2004, 11:12 PM

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