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are fish safe to eat where you live?
the most important part of this message is that it concerns all fish, not just the fish on our hook and line, but the fish on the counters in our fish markets and in our canned tunas macerals and salmons.

hopefuly industry will learn before it is to late that just shipping their plants across the seas to other contries to avoid polution laws is plain suicidal.

I dont share the same veiws as DC in that our lakes are and streams are at risk because of coal buring plants from over seas. There is no doubt in my mind that they are a contributer I just dont beleive that is the main problem.

Oil is also the same foscil fule as coal, it is in a stage of pre coal.

how many millions of barrols are burned daily in each state?

if it were just a case of coal burning plants over seas we could simply clean up the environment by placing santions on products manufactured by the use of coal buring plants much the same way we place santions on products produced by abused child labor. once it is no longer profitable to produce a product in such a manor they will change their practices but not untill.

we have the same problem here in the US just ask your department of natural resorces or your local city hall to give you a list of those companies who are working with toxic waist and you will get the biggest brush off you would ever beleive.

I am not saying all are like this but I have run up against this in the past. you see you dont have to attack a business to curve its actions you just need to stop buying its products and they will get the firm message of what consumers want.

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Re: [JapanRon] are fish safe to eat where you live? - by davetclown - 08-26-2004, 01:52 PM

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