08-01-2004, 04:57 AM
not to shabby at all,
ya know that 17 inch yellow bullhead is a master angler fish[url "javascript: addTag('cool')"][cool][/url] we are all vary big on entering for master angler awards for the state of michigan, Well I am any way, it helps the kids in my fishing derbies get excited about fishing when they can see they can earn patches for catching big fish.
I am looking for number four for 2004, my third patch just came in the mail this past fryday. I have another entry to send in at the moment, but I want to get it properly identified before I send it off to lansing. if excepted I will be looking for number five for 2004 meeting my new years resolution of 5 master angler awards for the year..... then I can get back to blue gill fishing, well maybe that pesky pike I might go after a couple times this year if he hasnt moved on to another part of the lake
last year I had a carp come in second place for the year for catch and release.
tomarow I am thinking on going out after perch over at south ridge.
ya know that 17 inch yellow bullhead is a master angler fish[url "javascript: addTag('cool')"][cool][/url] we are all vary big on entering for master angler awards for the state of michigan, Well I am any way, it helps the kids in my fishing derbies get excited about fishing when they can see they can earn patches for catching big fish.
I am looking for number four for 2004, my third patch just came in the mail this past fryday. I have another entry to send in at the moment, but I want to get it properly identified before I send it off to lansing. if excepted I will be looking for number five for 2004 meeting my new years resolution of 5 master angler awards for the year..... then I can get back to blue gill fishing, well maybe that pesky pike I might go after a couple times this year if he hasnt moved on to another part of the lake
last year I had a carp come in second place for the year for catch and release.
tomarow I am thinking on going out after perch over at south ridge.