07-28-2004, 06:42 PM
Crooked River - July 22nd, 2004
supplied by: [url "http://www.fisheyesoup.com/redir.php?recKey=24,re"]The Fly Box[/url]
The Caddis hatch is in full force. Fishing morning and evening has been very productive with a caddis dry. X-Caddis sz 20-18 Green and tan. Spent Caddis sz 20-18. Wet fly's still seem to work wonders during sunlight hours. Midge patterns make up a large portion of the trouts diet this time of year. We have been doing great with many type's of wets and dry's. The smaller the pattern the better. Try the Midgie Modger sz 22-18, Disco midge sz22-18 and colors green,black,red, and cream will cover the color scheme. Also, look for Pale Evening Dun's during the last hour of light. Use sz 20-18 in a variety of patterns.
supplied by: [url "http://www.fisheyesoup.com/redir.php?recKey=24,re"]The Fly Box[/url]
The Caddis hatch is in full force. Fishing morning and evening has been very productive with a caddis dry. X-Caddis sz 20-18 Green and tan. Spent Caddis sz 20-18. Wet fly's still seem to work wonders during sunlight hours. Midge patterns make up a large portion of the trouts diet this time of year. We have been doing great with many type's of wets and dry's. The smaller the pattern the better. Try the Midgie Modger sz 22-18, Disco midge sz22-18 and colors green,black,red, and cream will cover the color scheme. Also, look for Pale Evening Dun's during the last hour of light. Use sz 20-18 in a variety of patterns.