07-16-2002, 08:01 PM
Now someone who fishes bear lake is going to have to tell you about that. But trout is trout and at the gorge for lakers and at the berry for cutts and just about anywhere else I fish for trout, 1.5 -2 mph and sometimes up to 2.5 is where I spend most of my time. Thats not really out of trial and error because I just set it and go. It has always worked so I have never tried it at high speeds. I know that you arent goling to out run a fish at 5 mph but I dont know if it is thier comfortable feeding speed. For lake trout you need to go deep. The lake trout is a cold blooded mother chicken! He spends his summer down below the thermocline where the water is cold and to his liking.Generally this seems to be the 100 ft and around there range. Toss your lure out, let it go back a ways, clip it onto the downrigger, and set the depth at a position just above the depth that you are seeing the fish. Seeing as you dont have the downriggers I was assuming you are new to them. One thing you may want to look into is jigging for them. Bear lake mack could give you some advice but it can be a difficult thing to do. I have serious respect for the guys who have put in the time and can do it consistently.<br><br>UNICORN CATCHER F.L.P.