07-19-2004, 11:25 PM
Why don't you take out the 12 ft. Sears boat. It has running 15hp Gamefisher and trolling motor, sonar unit. I even have a battery you can use since I had to replace batteries in the Skeeter recently. You would need a paddle to be legal. Fits in the back of a pickup. You could easily fish in Vegas Wash - launch at old Las Vegas Wash launch Ramp area or from Pumphouse Cove to fish that side. Or for Heminway - launch from there. that way no long run in case the wind comes up.
No obligation to buy unless you wreck something. Gonna be hard to fix the 5 hp Gamefisher -parts still available - you're right - might not be worth it. Let me know soon - be around tonight and tomorrow as I finish changing out livewell hoses.
No obligation to buy unless you wreck something. Gonna be hard to fix the 5 hp Gamefisher -parts still available - you're right - might not be worth it. Let me know soon - be around tonight and tomorrow as I finish changing out livewell hoses.