07-12-2002, 07:10 PM
We have had good success on our trips to the gorge at 1.5 mph. We run down riggers for the kokes and pull spinners on the top longlined for trout at the same time. If you want to get real crazy, you may want to try dropping a ball down for lake trout, running a clip on the cable at kokanee depth and longlining on the surface for rainbows! Skeeter should be able to give you some good info on the smallies, he fishes for the every year in the tournament. Seems like everyone has a different lure and location for the kokes. The rumors I hear are that the bigger kokes are further north and you will catch more but smaller kokes south toward sheep creek.<br>Have a fun trip, and be careful. I look forward to hearing how it went when you return.<br><br>UNICORN CATCHER F.L.P.