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Willard Report 07/02/04 Second best day this year
I know last weekend there were some good size boats launching from the south marina but I think that during the week it is closed for dredging. I do know the south marina is just like the north marina, as far as when you come out of the channel of both you have to keep an close eye out for islands and other underwater chunks of rocks. In another week or so, some of these islands will be above the water and easier to see. I think you will be able to launch for a few more weeks, just go slow as you go out and keep your prop up if you can. Good luck. WH2

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Re: [iconoclasticPaul] Willard Report 07/02/04 Second best day this year - by wiperhunter2 - 07-03-2004, 03:16 PM

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