07-01-2002, 06:57 PM
First, I like to pay-off my galley bill and a 50% cut to the Deck Hands (2) I look for the youngest kid on deck and give him the loot that's left and I really feel good about it if he's sporting crappy tackle. If dad is around I ask him to honor the gift by buying the kid some "good" tackle. This is an experience that happened to me when a good guy passed on the jackpot and I got rid of my outdated, knuckle buster, Penn Ocean City. It might sound weird but I have done it about four times. George. <br><br>George Van Zant<br><A HREF="http://www.bigfishtackle.com/georgescorner.htm " target="_new">http://www.bigfishtackle.com/georgescorner.htm </A><br>