06-18-2002, 04:05 AM
Atta boy, "John". I totally agree with you and Spinnerhappy about no fires and smoking. The fire hazard has reduced my smoking out of the vehicle to zilch!! Have to say though, your reports on the fishing conditions and the obvious response to those reports leave more fishing for the rest of us. Spent last week in the Vail area and although we could see smoke from the Glenwood Springs area fire (Coal Seam), the fishing on the Eagle was excellent. Landed several rainbows and browns in the 16-17+ inch class. Don't know if it was ash in the water, but never before had browns take to the air like these did. Lost several when they threw the hook with their aerials.<br><br>Guess you've heard that the Hayman fire was started by a Forest Service employee!! She says she started a fire in a fire pit to burn a letter from her estranged husband and couldn't put it out when it got out of the pit. Wasn't it the Forest Service that banned all open fires??? Sure is a crazy world!!<br><br>