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well i haven't heard a word about them yet , but it will soon be mayfly season around here .
fishing will be a little tough if you don't know a little secret .
to get the fish , ya' gotta "be the bait " , lol .
i make up some small spinnerblade rigs that i can cast out . i use a eye up circle hook in the #6,8, or 10 size , a couple gold or crome or silver beeds and a small nick,e , or gold spinnerblade (the smaller the better )on a 18" leader .
i use the circle hook because the lure is always hit from the side and never from behind , why ? who knows , but it always seems to happen that way .
it might look like a mayfly to some fish or a small minnow to others but it works just great whatever the reason is .during mayfly season fish are gorging themselves on the hatch so big chunks of crawlers aren't needed , they have plenty of the small stuff around that they don't need to compete for or hunt down a big meal .
heck a small garden or leaf worm on the spinner rig is enough to tempt a big ol' walleye or bass .
make up a few and give it a try , you won't be disapointed .

Messages In This Thread
mayflys - by lonehunter - 06-19-2004, 01:25 AM
Re: [lonehunter] mayflys - by davetclown - 06-19-2004, 12:06 PM
Re: [davetclown] mayflys - by lonehunter - 06-19-2004, 10:08 PM

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