06-11-2002, 12:47 AM
I live in Florida and we have about a 4 acre pond in the back yard. There is this catfish that stays in one corner of the pond. I have been trying to catch him for a couple of months now. He has broke my line twice, so I went and bought 12/24 Spiderwire. I hooked him tonight. He wasn't going to brake that spiderwire. I got him up to the bank and he broke the hook in half. At least I got a look at him this time. He is huge. It looked like he was about 3 to 4 feet long and he is really big. I'm guessing he is about 8 to 10 pounds.<br><br>I need some tips on how to catch this fish. He is driving me crazy. I am using a spidercast sc30 with 12/24 spiderwire.<br><br>Do I need to let him fight a little more? He was pulling line off my reel like it wasn't nothing. I get in a hurry and want to reel like mad once I hook him.<br><br>Any tips or ideas are greatly appreciated.<br><br>Real Men Love Jesus