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Sarasota Fla. Report 06/01/02
June 1, 2002<br><br>Sarasota Fla. Fishing Report<br><br>By Capt. Bob Smith<br><br>Unless you are planning to make a 40 mile run offshore, barracuda has been the best action around the artificial reefs. (M-7) has been the hottest spot and live Threadfin herring the best bait. Bottom fishing from the (I) reefs out to the (M) reefs has produced mostly small fish with just a few keeper snapper and black seabass.<br><br>Some large tarpon and the occasional cobia have been caught along the beaches but some days draw a blank. The bite has been a bit better in the afternoon. The north side of Big Pass along Lido beach has been active.<br><br>Big seatrout are plentiful along the north side of Longbar but the key is to use live pigfish on a popping float for bait. Small pigfish can be caught on the bay using chum and a castnet. You can use other baits for the big trout, but the ratio is about 10 to 1 in favor of the pigfish.<br><br>Pompano and bluefish are showing up around the bay. Large ten pound jacks are also on the bay and concentrated around the bridge pylons. The big jacks will give you a good pull and are a lot of fun. You can also find them along the surf and some of the sandbars.<br><br>Enjoy and Protect<br><br>For more information on Sarasota's Sportfishing, please visit my Website:<br><br><br>

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Sarasota Fla. Report 06/01/02 - by captbobsmith - 06-01-2002, 11:22 PM

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