05-21-2002, 08:43 PM
Dave,<br>With my disabilitys the Doc will not let me take a job. That meens that I nolonger pay the government taxes.<br>Tax revinues help some programs that help the physicaly and mentaly impaired citizens. If I only can help one young person with my donated computers a month that is twelve a year that have recieved that little help that will make their future a little easier.<br>Some day the right person will see what I do with so little and provide the financial backing for me to provide this service to a larger number of young people that have the need but do not have the funds.<br>[][][]<br>The Trip was one that will help more than one young person as I just recieved notice from a Computer Tecnition that I met at a rest area on the trip. The note was that twelve used computers have been taken to UPS and are on their way to me for my program. It came with the tracking numbers that I checked and they are now in Columbus (Obets termanal) and scedualed for delivery on Thursday. Not shure what they are but, I might be able to see you for the June 8th Derby. Will let you know after I check out this shipment.<br>[][][]<br>Just remember this. You have an open invitation to fish the Gulf of Mexico with me next April. Your beutiful dog is included in the invitation! For this trip I promice to remember my glasses and hearing aids with batterys to cover the trip.<br>Hear is a link with a live cam of one of the Fishing Piers that I will be fishing:<br><A HREF="http://www.corpusbeach.com/" target="_new">http://www.corpusbeach.com/</A>[smile]<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher <*(())))))))))>{<br><A HREF="http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/ROSS6959/" target="_new">http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/ROSS6959/</A>