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ssor sponcers fishing derby in Michigan
To day we had our first-H fishing derby in Oakland County of the year, <br><br> This was a closed event for handy caped/educationally challenged children and their families.<br><br> It was cold but dry and sunny. Only one fish was caught for the day, it was 8 and 1/2inch Warmouth Bass caught by a 13 year old girl..<br> <br> They had a great time with shirt painting and casting contest and fishing.<br><br> I spent most of my time fixing broken reels and setups.<br><br> I want to give Dwight (ssor) a special thanks for the best gift of all, he and his mom drove over 300 miles (one way) over night to join us at this event to personally donate and deliver a new computer for a grand door prize. <B>God Bless You and your Mom</B> <br><br> If there were an award for going that extra mile, ssor you'd be gettin about 600 of em about now.<br><br><IMG SRC=" sue dwight windy.jpg "><br><br>left to right...<br>Chris..... Derby Chairman<br>Sue.....Program Director<br>Dwight ..ssor<br><br>Front...<br>Dwight’s Mom.....Co Driver and past 4-H member (50 year + alumni)<br><br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown

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ssor sponcers fishing derby in Michigan - by davetclown - 05-20-2002, 05:11 AM

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