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one more reason to NUKE the middle east
Maybee I am as stoopid as you imply, but I never read anywhere that anybody supported the musslums that decaptitated that guy....

and as far as the US bein involved where they ought not be then look at the history books... the japanese at least had the deciency to bomb a military installation we had to put a bomb on a civillian city.

I know that we are the "big kids on the block" but we dont have to be pushing our form of government onto these other countries.

Yes bush did say that the war was ended and we were there as a policing agency now but its still getting alot of american soldiers killed everyday which I dont support.. and all for what??? OIL OH yea and what is the bush family HEAVILY invested in??? oh yea oil so dont tell me that their intentions are completely honorable and patriotic.


Messages In This Thread
one more reason to NUKE the middle east - by rigg478 - 05-12-2004, 01:48 PM
Re: [fishmagnet] one more reason to NUKE the middle east - by danzilla - 05-16-2004, 09:48 PM

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