04-28-2004, 09:48 PM
Henry's has had some winter kill the last couple of years so you won't catch the numbers out of there that you could 5 years ago but there are still some big fish in there. Earlier this spring the F&G was worried about winter kill on Henry's but an early ice off may have helped prevent that from happening. I've caught fish out of Henry's on just about everything. Almost without exception every big hybrid(24"+) that I have caught, seen caught or know someone that caught has been on either bait fished on the bottom or a fly. There really isn't a bad time to fish Henry's. The weeds can get bad in places and normally trolling become difficult around the end of June and isn't very pratical until the weeds die in the fall when the temperatures get colder.
You can catch fish from the shore in a few places but for the most part you need a boat or tube to fish Henry's. The lake isn't very deep with the maximum depth that I have seen on the fish finder being 23' with places over 20' being uncommon. Most places on Henry's are less than 15'. On the fish finder in the deeper water(17'+)I normally see fish suspended 6-10 feet down or see them on the bottom. I've caught fish within a couple feet of the surface trolling, fly fish and with lures but that is normally only on cloudy/rainy days.
Here's a link to the regs. http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/fish/rules/
Check out the "Upper Snake Region Map & Exceptions" for details on the regulations at Henry's.
If you have some more specific questions about Henry's just ask. I don't really have any secrets about Henry's that I won't share.
You can catch fish from the shore in a few places but for the most part you need a boat or tube to fish Henry's. The lake isn't very deep with the maximum depth that I have seen on the fish finder being 23' with places over 20' being uncommon. Most places on Henry's are less than 15'. On the fish finder in the deeper water(17'+)I normally see fish suspended 6-10 feet down or see them on the bottom. I've caught fish within a couple feet of the surface trolling, fly fish and with lures but that is normally only on cloudy/rainy days.
Here's a link to the regs. http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/fish/rules/
Check out the "Upper Snake Region Map & Exceptions" for details on the regulations at Henry's.
If you have some more specific questions about Henry's just ask. I don't really have any secrets about Henry's that I won't share.