04-23-2004, 04:42 PM
You could touch the bottom with a paddle, it was about 4ft deep is all. Lots of fun I'd love to do it again sometime, looking forward to hitting the waters in the next weeks. Utah Lake is a priority and loads of fun for catfishing. We used a catfish hook simaliar to a elongated circle hook used a meduim shrimp (left out in the sun for a few days to get good and stinky then tipped it with a crawler large and covered with smelly jelly, (don't remember what kind) flat wieght, maybe 1/2 - 1 oz and just let it on the bottom about 20 ft away from the boat and towards some reeds/cattails I think we even had bobbers on the line to detect when the line was hit, but it was a hoot, I spent most of the day untangling lines and removing fish and baiting hooks, but I caught my limit. too. That is all we caught that day, cats, lots of them. I'll dig at home for pics.