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Just got back from mantua. Weather was a nightmare, it was warm sunny and calm then raining like mad, then windy the raining again, then sunny, then cloudy and windy. Psycho!<br>The water temp was 54 degrees, and the weeds arent too bad. The new ramp is super nice but there arent any docks in and launching by yourself is a royal pain.<br>The fishing was good, I was trying for a largemouth and a trout. The trout I couldnt keep off my lure long enough to catch a bass, so I had to switch up to a six inch super fat plastic so it was too big for them trout. They still tried but it did the trick. Tough bass fishing, there was four other bass rigs on the water and it was few and far between. The best bassin seemed to be on the north east side and the south end of the pond. The trout are freaking everywhere. Lots of 10 inch planters. Most trout guys seem to be concentrating on the west side of the pond and doing ok. Please take the trout out of this area! That used to be prime bass country and it still is if you can beat the trout off the end of your line! HaHa.<br>Kent, unless this wind dies down I may not make it out to willard tonight. Trying to run that boat all by myself in the wind is a nightmare. Hopefully I will be able to get out though. Its pineview tommorow!<br><br>UNICORN CATCHER

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Mantua - by PREDATOR - 04-26-2002, 11:08 PM

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