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fishing wasn't too shabby today , landed this lil' gal at thr foote dam . the steelhead arn't in there in any big numbers yet , out of the probbable a hundred guys that were there today , only two were landed . [Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=3867;] A GOOD CAPTION FOR THE PIC WOULD BE , I CAN SURE PLAY A FISH ! although the season for walleye is closed , they were hitting pretty good . the dnr was there , some in uniform , some not . the dnr is not letting anyone get away with poaching these fish . i fished next to a c.o. all day and would have never guessed he was one . he took my photo's for me and was complementray on how i used my landing net to lower the fish to the water for release . [signature]

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FOOTE SITE STEELHEAD REPORT - by lonehunter - 04-10-2004, 11:56 PM

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