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teaching kids the rules of fishing
I caught a guy whow was trolling right in front of us one time. Up at smith and morehouse, there were about 10 of us crowded on the bank, and these guys in a little aluminum kept trolling back and forth right in front of us. I was all set to cast out when the were passing by again, and I cast out and caught one of their lines. I reeled in, cut their line off, and they left. Problem solved.

Luckily most people seem to respect the space of others. Floatation certainly helps get away from people, but it's tough when you have kids. There's only so much shoreline, especially during high water years(remember those?).

Messages In This Thread
teaching kids the rules of fishing - by icefool - 03-31-2004, 03:02 PM
Re: [cat_man] teaching kids the rules of fishing - by mateo - 04-02-2004, 03:44 PM

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