03-23-2004, 05:15 PM
I always figured if you are following the flow of traffic and not impeeding it you should be ok, right? And if you are blazing thru ntraffic and constantly changing lanes you would be considered to be creating an unsafe driving environment, then you should be busted.
Most cops I've met have been OK, and once in a while you get one of the different ones.
A few years ago I was riding with my wife driving, we were on our way home after my knee surgery, I was all drugged up and generally not liking the travel and very cranky. Well she gets pulled over for speeding and the cop wants everyone out of the car. Why I've got no clue. But it was the way he said it, not asking but demanding. I'm in NO mood for this crap and I let off a verbal assalt that has my wife blushing and wide mouthed, I can still hear her "Oh my god" comment. Now the cop is just about to yank me out of the car when he notices my leg up in a brace. He pulls my wife away from the car and wanmts to know whats up with me. She tells him the story of the surgery and stuff and lets us go with a warning.
My wife thought I was toast and going to jail, I didn't care one lick. I didn't feel well, I was drugged up, and not compfy in the car. I wanted to be home, in bed and asleep.
another lucky break for me (ha ha...I was coming off a surgerically broken leg, man that was painful, even thinking about it is painful.
Most cops I've met have been OK, and once in a while you get one of the different ones.
A few years ago I was riding with my wife driving, we were on our way home after my knee surgery, I was all drugged up and generally not liking the travel and very cranky. Well she gets pulled over for speeding and the cop wants everyone out of the car. Why I've got no clue. But it was the way he said it, not asking but demanding. I'm in NO mood for this crap and I let off a verbal assalt that has my wife blushing and wide mouthed, I can still hear her "Oh my god" comment. Now the cop is just about to yank me out of the car when he notices my leg up in a brace. He pulls my wife away from the car and wanmts to know whats up with me. She tells him the story of the surgery and stuff and lets us go with a warning.
My wife thought I was toast and going to jail, I didn't care one lick. I didn't feel well, I was drugged up, and not compfy in the car. I wanted to be home, in bed and asleep.
another lucky break for me (ha ha...I was coming off a surgerically broken leg, man that was painful, even thinking about it is painful.