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New Division of Law Enforcement in the Dept of Natural Resources
(12-13-2024, 05:09 PM)dubob Wrote:
(12-12-2024, 06:41 PM)Fowl-Hook Wrote:
(12-12-2024, 05:31 PM)BertDawg Wrote: Personally I do not like being checked and think we can do away with most of the state departments.  They are all a waste of money. I'm tired of my money being used to harass me and force me to pay more to access so called "public" land. The whole system is a joke.
I as well don't like being checked on the water or being pulled over in my auto, the laws requiring probable cause indicate to me that these tactics are recognized as abusive and invasive and not to be used. I would suggest that if you enjoy being detained from the activities you ventured out to enjoy you might question why that is.
I don't need to question why.  I know exactly why.  Because there are way too many folks that don't know or, worse, don't care, what the fish & game laws are and think they don't really apply to themselves.  Do a little research and find out how many fish, game, boat, and motor vehicle citations are issued every day, week, month, and/or year.  The numbers are staggering.  And regardless of your personal attitude about being checked for anything while perusing your favorite past-time, it is 100% needed.  I don't mind it one bit and welcome it knowing that it is helping keep John Q Public honest.  You may be squeaky clean for fish & game law violations, but it's guaranteed that you know somebody who has violated the laws one or more times.  And every one of those violations has an impact on all of us with depleted game & fish resources or access restrictions on both public and private land.
Well said Bob. i wish we had the ability to have three times the amount of officers available to check licenses, boats, etc. Soon we will have quagga muscles in our lakes, skinny little snakey fish, the list goes on. Sadly, i feel there is so many so called Sportsman outt here who could care less about laws and will take as many fish of whatever species they want home with them and could care less. The chances of them being caught are slim to nothing. Then if by chance they do get caught, its poor poor me, the damn fish cops caught me, they screwed me over. Ok, Rant over!

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RE: New Division of Law Enforcement in the Dept of Natural Resources - by RILEYFISH - 12-22-2024, 03:13 PM

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