10-06-2024, 12:43 PM
Here's a good tip to follow. When I bought my current boat, I knew of the saltwater use it had been thru. I bought the boat Feb 2016 in Everette Washington; the signs were all over. I immediately used Salt Away for cleaning what I could get access inside my boat as well as engine compartments. I assumed previous the owner did same but still took it upon myself to be sure I got a good cleaning for what is exposed. A little over a year later after the purchase, I started a massive cleanup removing the wood floor finding crud all around fuel tank along the keel, black mold had formed all over the bottom side of wood flooring. Immediately I decided to rebuild the floor with new marine grade plywood & new marine vinyl flooring, using more Salt Away now in those exposed areas and pressure washing flushing out those areas of along the keel and bilge.
This is bottom side of old flooring
This is bottom side of old flooring